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A Guide to the UK’s Historic and Luxurious Properties

Castle Howard in York

When thinking of grand and elegant properties in the UK, the images of British Castles and Manor Houses often come to mind. These beautiful and historic buildings have been a focal point of British architecture and culture for centuries. With so many of these remarkable properties scattered across the country, it’s no surprise that estate hunters often get lost in the wonder of finding their ideal property.

British Castles are undoubtedly some of the most spectacular properties and some of which are available to buy in the UK housing market. Their numerous turrets, towers and genuinely fascinating stories make these castles truly special find when visiting on a day trip. Manor Houses, on the other hand, often have a more intimate and relaxed atmosphere. Manor houses were the homes for the elite class of Britons and were usually surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens and parklands.

With their fascinating stories and rich architecture, both the British Castles and Manor Houses give homebuyers a chance to own a small piece of history while relishing the perks of a modern-day luxury home.

We’re going to help you find some of the real gems of the British landscape with our guides. Here is a list of the current places we have created content for.

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