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Prideaux Place

    Prideaux Place. (2023, May 15). In Wikipedia.

    Prideaux Place: Uncovering the Secrets of a Cornish Gem

    Prideaux Place, nestled on the picturesque North Cornish coast, boasts a rich history that spans over 400 years. This architectural marvel deftly showcases the fusion of Elizabethan and Georgian influences, making it a must-visit destination for travellers seeking a taste of authentic British heritage. We’ll delve into the fascinating story of this stunning mansion and reveal what visitors can expect when exploring its enchanting grounds.

    Our journey into Prideaux Place’s history and architectural beauty will take us through the generations of the prominent Prideaux family, who’ve continuously inhabited the estate since its construction in 1592. The unbroken line of ownership presents a window into the lives of the influential family members and their contributions to the prosperity and development of the surrounding area.

    Finally, we’ll shed light on the various attractions within the property, such as the spectacular gardens, exquisite antique collections, and the delectable tearoom for visitors to indulge in. With its perfect blend of history, charm, and natural beauty, Prideaux Place offers visitors an unforgettable experience that captures the essence of the English countryside.

    The Rich History of Prideaux Place

    Prideaux Place is a majestic Elizabethan country house situated in Padstow, Cornwall. Since its completion in 1592, it’s been a significant architectural marvel and a symbol of Cornwall’s rich heritage. This fascinating place has undergone numerous restorations and expansions over the years, successfully blending the original Elizabethan architecture with later Georgian, Victorian, and Edwardian influences.

    Initially built by Nicholas Prideaux, a distinguished lawyer and member of the influential Prideaux family, Prideaux Place has been passed down through 14 generations. Remarkably, the house has always remained in the same family, and today it’s the residence of Peter and Elisabeth Prideaux-Brune.

    Throughout its storied past, Prideaux Place has seen its fair share of distinguished guests. In the 18th century, it played host to distinguished novelist Jane Austen as well as other notable figures from as far afield as London. Today, the estate is a popular spot of historical interest, attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world to witness its beauty and soak up its atmosphere.

    In addition to the architectural highlights, Prideaux Place boasts many unique features that reflect the artistic and cultural interests of its owners over the centuries. Some of the most impressive rooms include:

    • the Great Chamber, with its intricate plasterwork,
    • the Long Gallery, lined with family portraits,
    • the Morning Room, with its fine collection of antique furniture, and
    • the Library, housing over 2,000 valuable books and manuscripts.

    Prideaux Place is surrounded by 80 acres of tranquil deer park and ancient woodland, providing visitors with a glimpse into the way British estates would have appeared hundreds of years ago. Moreover, the house and its grounds have often been used as a filming location, featuring in several episodes of the popular British TV series Poldark.

    In recent years, the family has prioritised the preservation and restoration of Prideaux Place. They have begun tackling essential projects to ensure that this remarkable piece of history remains intact for future generations to enjoy. By opening its doors to the public, Prideaux Place not only showcases its rich heritage but also enables the necessary funding for restoration and conservation works.

    In summary, Prideaux Place is undoubtedly steeped in history and remains a testament to Cornwall’s illustrious past. With its stunning architectural blend, priceless artefacts, and thoroughly enchanting atmosphere, it continues to be a must-see destination for all history and architecture enthusiasts.

    Remarkable Architecture and Design

    Prideaux Place, nestled in the picturesque town of Padstow in Cornwall, boasts a rich history and stunning architecture. Since its completion in 1592, this beautiful country house has been the home of the Prideaux family for over four centuries. Edmund Prideaux was the original owner of the house, with the most recent descendant and current owner being Peter Prideaux-Brune.

    The initial Elizabethan design has gracefully evolved over time, incorporating different architectural styles. Prideaux Place showcases a perfect blend of Elizabethan and Georgian influences, fusing characteristics of both eras to create a unique and enthralling design. The skilled architect, Sir Edmund Prideaux, was responsible for the Georgian redesign, which took place during the 18th century.

    Noteworthy features include:

    • Elegant Georgian drawing room
    • Magnificent Elizabethan Great Chamber
    • Stunning row of Victorian bedrooms
    • Beautiful knot garden, inspired by an ancient design
    • Deer park dating back to Norman times

    The interior maintains its historic charm, holding an impressive collection of period furniture, tapestries, and paintings. These objects provide a glimpse into the family’s lineage, giving visitors a sense of the estate’s historical significance. European and British art form a significant part of the collection, with notable works by renowned artists such as Sir Joshua Reynolds.

    Over the years, the Prideaux family has made several changes to the property. An impressive neoclassical portico was added early in the 19th century, complementing the building’s stunning facade. The exquisite terraced gardens were also refurbished, providing a beautiful, serene space for family members and visitors alike to enjoy.

    Today, Prideaux Place is not only enjoyed as a family home but also serves as a delightful visitor attraction. Guests are welcome to explore the impressive grounds, including the deer park, home to a herd of fallow deer. The house and grounds are also available for exclusive events such as weddings and corporate functions.

    To summarise, the architecture and design of Prideaux Place is a testament to the property’s fascinating past, revealing a fusion of Elizabethan and Georgian styles that reflect its extensive history. As owners and caretakers of this enchanting estate, the Prideaux family continues to maintain the beauty and allure of Prideaux Place.

    Exploring the Idyllic Gardens

    Nestled within the beautiful Padstow, Cornwall, Prideaux Place boasts some of the most idyllic gardens one can find. We’ve delved into the history and features of these gardens to give a glimpse of what visitors can expect from these stunning grounds.

    The majestic gardens at Prideaux Place have been carefully tended and maintained for centuries. The current gardens we see today are the result of the continuous dedication shown by various generations of the Prideaux family. These breathtaking landscapes are divided into two main parts: the 18th-century formal gardens and the more recent, Edwardian-era woodland gardens.

    Throughout the formal gardens, visitors can find intricate water features, colourful flower displays and a mix of evergreen and deciduous plants. They’ve progressed over the years, but still maintain the original visions of those who toiled away to create them. Some of the core elements within the formal gardens include:

    • The Italianate terrace, designed to follow the contours of the land
    • The deer park, home to magnificent fallow deer
    • The sundial garden, a magical spot perfect for relaxation

    The woodland gardens, on the other hand, are a more recent addition. Weaved within the ancient trees and lush green foliage, these gardens offer a tranquil haven for wildlife and visitors alike. Meandering paths lead you through an enchanting environment, complete with water features and a growing collection of Rhododendrons – a real feast for the eyes.

    Originally constructed in 1592, Prideaux Place itself is a blend of Elizabethan and Georgian styles. The house has seen many changes over time but remains a jewel in Cornwall’s architectural crown. The Prideaux family has owned and cared for the estate since it was built, ensuring that the exquisite gardens and elegant structure are preserved for future generations to enjoy.

    These days, Prideaux Place is not only a popular destination for tourists but also a venue for special events and weddings. Its awe-inspiring grounds, rich history and dedicated, passionate team make it a sought-after attraction for visitors from around the world, all year round.

    In summary, Prideaux Place and its idyllic gardens provide a stunning escape from busy, everyday life. Offering a slice of history and serenity, they’re an experience not to be missed by anyone visiting Cornwall.

    Filming Locations and Cultural Significance

    Prideaux Place, a stunning Elizabethan manor house situated in Padstow, Cornwall, has played host to several film and television productions. This architectural gem truly showcases the rich history and style of the Elizabethan era. Over the years, it has become a popular destination for history enthusiasts and film buffs alike.

    Built in 1592, Prideaux Place has remained in the Prideaux-Brune family for over four centuries. Currently, it’s home to Peter and Elisabeth Prideaux-Brune. The house itself is a wonderful example of Elizabethan architecture, with a mixture of elegant interiors adorned with intricate stonework and stained-glass windows. The property also boasts 25 acres of lush gardens, which provide a perfect backdrop for filming.

    Several major film and television productions have taken advantage of the enchanting atmosphere at Prideaux Place:

    • Rosamunde Pilcher’s adaptations, which have brought international attention to Cornwall’s beauty and charm
    • The popular TV series “Doc Martin”, featuring Martin Clunes
    • The film “The Eagle Has Landed”, starring Michael Caine

    Prideaux Place’s cultural significance is not only tied to its appearances on screen. The estate has witnessed some remarkable events throughout its history:

    • The manor served as a refuge for Charles I during the English Civil War in the 17th century
    • The house narrowly avoided demolition during the great Padstow fire of 1881
    • In the 20th century, it was occupied by American servicemen during World War II

    Today, Prideaux Place is open to the public, offering guided tours and various events. Some of the highlights include:

    • Guided House Tours: Visitors can explore the stunning interiors and learn about the rich history of the property
    • Deer Park: Prideaux Place is home to Cornwall’s oldest deer park, dating back to 485 A.D., offering a serene environment for visitors
    • Garden Tours: The gardens, steeped in history and beauty, provide an excellent opportunity to admire the magnificent landscaping
    • Events: The house hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including open-air theatre, concerts, and exhibitions

    In summary, Prideaux Place is a quintessential representation of the Elizabethan era and has become a significant part of Cornwall’s cultural heritage. Its stunning architecture, historical importance, and appearances in popular films and TV series contribute to its ongoing appeal as a top destination for tourists and locals alike.

    Conclusion: A Captivating Cornish Gem

    Prideaux Place, nestled in the picturesque harbour town of Padstow, Cornwall, has proven itself to be a captivating Cornish gem. Boasting a rich history, this Elizabethan manor house has been home to generations of Prideaux-Brune family members since its construction in 1592. Through the centuries, Prideaux Place has witnessed many significant historical events and has undergone several refurbishments, ensuring a harmonious blend of Elizabethan, Georgian and Victorian architectural elements.

    Events that have taken place at this historic manor include:

    • The construction of St. Petroc’s Church, dating back to the 6th century
    • The building of the Tudor-style manor house in 1592 by Nicholas Prideaux
    • The Victorian renovation in the mid-19th century by Charles Brune
    • The extensive restoration during the 20th and 21st centuries by the late Major Peter Prideaux-Brune and his son, Peter Prideaux-Brune

    This splendid estate comprises several key features, such as:

    • Magnificent gardens, complete with terraces, walled garden, ionic temple, and eye-catching Greevy Deer Park
    • Rare artefacts and artworks, including a portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh and the Prideaux family’s armoury collection
    • Self-enclosed farm complex, which once served as the economic heart of the estate

    Today, Prideaux Place is enthusiastically run by Peter Prideaux-Brune and his wife, Elisabeth. The couple have continued to restore and maintain the estate, ensuring that its beauty and historical significance are preserved for future generations. Visitors can enjoy a guided tour of the house, explore the enchanting gardens, or even participate in special events throughout the year.

    To summarise, Prideaux Place showcases an exceptional piece of Cornish history and architectural expertise. Its well-preserved manor house and beautiful gardens make it an attraction that’s not to be missed by history aficionados and nature lovers alike. Prideaux Place, with its enthralling charm, will no doubt continue to captivate visitors for many years to come.